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Building the Perfect Commerce Tech Stack in B2B

B2B customer expectations are changing, so why hasn’t your technology?

Many B2B businesses are finding that legacy systems lack the scalability and growth needed to remain agile and compete in a modern digital environment. Additional technology platforms are needed to create holistic B2B commerce, streamline processes, and elevate the customer experience. The question is, what technologies do you need?

Every business is different, and your technology stack should be as unique as your business. There are endless possibilities to explore, so it can be daunting to know where to start. 

Commerce as Unique as Your Business 

Explore the various commerce technologies to understand why each is important and how it fits into the larger commerce ecosystem.

A woman working on a laptop with a cup of coffee.

B2B Digital Marketing

Your customers want to do business with companies that understand them. Whether it's B2C or B2B, the expectation is the same – they want you to know their needs as individuals and connect with them in ways that are meaningful.

But many B2B companies miss the mark. Effective B2B digital marketing strategies are not solely focused on winning new business - they invest time and resources to engaging customers properly throughout the customer lifecycle.


These first interactions are not just about closing a sale, it's where you start building a relationship with your customers.


Providing a seamless ordering process and overall customer experience is key to keeping them coming back.


Your most valuable customers are the ones who keep coming back and turn into your brand advocates.

B2B Customer Experience

Today’s B2B customers are consumers at heart, influenced by their experiences in their day-to-day lives. They are used to the convenience of shopping online with retailers like Amazon, and now expect the same level of service, personalized brand experiences, quick delivery, reviews, and ratings everywhere.

But with more complex purchase decisions and less linear buyer journeys, a great customer experience can be hard to deliver. It requires a deep understanding of your various customer’s needs - their pain points, challenges, and how you can make their lives easier.

See How We’ve Boosted B2B Commerce Operations and Experiences 

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