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The Digital Essentials

Smart Personalization

Smart personalization is when brands use knowledge about a customer to tailor a relevant, more meaningful user experience. Customers expect it, the data is available, and the technology needed to make it happen is within reach. The best personalization strategies include knowing how – and when – to apply what the organization knows about its customers.

Why Is Smart Personalization Essential Now?

Customers expect consistency across every interaction with a brand and, according to Forrester, “Customers are willing to share personal information with firms in exchange for more valuable experience.” More than 60% of U.S. adults will likely not return to a website that doesn’t provide a satisfactory customer experience, so smart personalization processes are essential to maintaining your customer relationships.

Smart personalization leverages the contextual, behavioral, and persona-based inputs to determine where a customer is in their journey and guides their next-best action.

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