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Beyond the Buzzword: The True Meaning of Experience-Driven Commerce

Exploring key strategies and actions that transform your businesses into a true experience-driven commerce organization

Transform Your Commerce Journey 

Building successful ecommerce takes more than just technical know-how; it requires adopting a customer-centric mindset to foster meaningful client relationships. For many organizations, this means evolving from a siloed, manual, transactional approach to one that is insights-led, customer-focused, and enables omnichannel experiences, a transition often referred to as the shift towards “experience-driven commerce."

That all sounds great, but what does it actually mean? How can you achieve this coveted, all-inclusive, digitally connected reality? Let us show you.

Our multi-session thought leadership series explores:

  • The true definition of experience-driven commerce
  • How and why organizations in every industry are making the shift
  • What an organization can do to start thinking about the transition to experience-driven commerce

This series explores the B2C and the B2B journeys, respectively, through the lens of the customer lifecycle, starting with the awareness phase and continuing to post-purchase support, customer loyalty, and brand advocacy. Each session features insights from strategists and experts in the space, emerging trends, and much more.

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