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Personalize Your Healthcare Marketing: Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly

Healthcare consumers have high expectations for a personalized (or at least a relevant) experience, but many healthcare organizations struggle with delivering it. This is especially difficult with the need to avoid invasiveness and inherent data bias towards the social determinants of health that could perpetuate inequities.

This guide will help you to understand:

  •  The basics of personalization in healthcare, including challenges, overcoming them, and expanding use cases
  • Achieving HIPAA-compliant targeted communications
  • Specialized techniques for monitoring, detecting, and combatting bias in AI and ML models
  • The four personalization strategy types and the steps to implement your strategy
  • Using customer data platforms, customer relationship management platforms, and digital experience platforms to deliver more personalized experiences
  •  Growing and executing your personalization strategy
Data + Intelligence Platforms + Technology Innovation + Product Development Customer Experience + Digital Marketing Healthcare