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Site Migration

The Executive’s Guide to Maximizing the Long-Term Potential of Your Site

If you’re currently migrating a site or preparing for a future migration or re-platform, you know that the stakes are high.

A site migration requires a significant monetary and time investment, so it’s important that it’s done right and drives business growth. So, how can you ensure your migration or re-platform project is successful?

Here you’ll find everything you need to consider before, during, and after your migration in order to minimize traffic loss and maximize the long-term potential of your site.

The Senior Executive’s Guide to Site Migrations

In this video series, Eric Enge, Principal of Digital Marketing, and Matt Ruud, Director of Digital Marketing, outline the 4 steps to a successful site migration and share key considerations and guidance for each phase of the process.

Step 1: Plan

The first step is all about planning. Learn why upfront planning is critical to success, what questions you need to ask, and how the right plan can help you minimize traffic loss and maximize the long-term potential of your site.

Step 2: Build

This phase requires working across your organization to put your plan from Step 1 into action. Find out why you’ll need constant engagement from other departments and how this collaboration will help you build a successful site.

Step 3: Launch

When it’s time to launch your site, it’s crucial that it goes well. Discover what to plan for now to prevent pain at launch and how to minimize organic traffic loss in the weeks after your site goes live.

Step 4: Run

Your site is live, but your work isn’t done yet. Running your site post-launch involves implementing digital marketing programs across channels. Learn how you can use these programs to drive long-term growth.

The Senior Executive’s Guide to Site Migrations: Key Considerations for Success

Download these key considerations to guide you during your migration project.

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Impactful Site Migration Results

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