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Customer Experience and Design : Journey Sciences
Journey Science

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Customer Experience Strategy 

Understanding your customers may feel like an art form as accomplished as that of DaVinci, Picasso, or Van Gogh. Not so! By applying journey science from research, data, and analytics, you can begin to not only understand – but truly know – your customers and how they interact with you over time.

Our Journey Science Approach Puts You on the Path to Success

Personas: Identify and Understand Your Customers

Personas communicate a shared understanding of your real users in terms of their goals, capabilities, and context. The most effective personas are data-driven based on qualitative and quantitative research.

Our approach to developing personas includes:

  • Reviewing Market Segments
  • Analyzing Observed Behaviors
  • Focused User Research

Experience Maps: Examining the Customer Experience Across Channels

We will partner with you to create multi-dimensional models that enable you to better understand your customer experience across every touchpoint and interaction. By understanding the full experience, you can then identify opportunities for improvement.

Our approach to developing experience maps includes:

  • Analysis
    • The Lens – who is the customer you’re targeting?
    • Touchpoints – where and how are they interacting with you?
  • Research
    • Context – what are they trying to accomplish?
    • Narrative – what is their mindset?
  • Strategy
    • Identification of opportunities – how can you improve the customer experience?

Customer Journeys: Optimizing Specific Intents 

Customer journeys focus on your specific customer intents – think “open a new account” – and the experiences your customers have throughout the process. With a long history of digital technology experience and expertise, we work with you to create customer journeys that take into account considerations for the back-end systems that are required to support the experience.

Our approach to developing customer journeys includes:

  • Defining Intent
  • Selecting Personas
  • Identifying Tasks & Behaviors
  • Mapping to Supporting Systems
  • Optimizing the Customer Experience

Journey Analytics

Data and analytics hold a wealth of information that enables you to better understand actual customer behaviors across various touchpoints with your brand. Beyond traditional analytics, we have experience with implementing a new breed of tools focused on horizontal analytics that cut across an organization and move away from vertical silos.

Visualize Your Ideal Customer Experience. Take Our CX AMP Jumpstart.

Our CX AMP jumpstart provides an innovative approach to defining and mapping your customer experience strategic vision. Through a collaborative process that emphasizes rapid ideation and execution, we can help you quickly visualize your ideal CX.

Ready to Begin Your Story?