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Data Intelligence : Big Data
Big Data

Scale the Data Mountain and Elevate the Digital Experience

Mobile, cloud, and the Internet of Things are creating overwhelming amounts of unstructured, untapped data. Harnessing this data and making sense of it requires building robust platforms that allow you to explore, visualize, analyze and, most importantly, use the mountains of information to your advantage.

Stay ahead of this onslaught of data by updating your information architecture. Our full life cycle solutions help you to adapt and improve people, process, and technologies to master the realities of a data-driven world.

Build Robust Big Data Platforms

Big data is the new paradigm in information management and requires companies to build and deliver robust platforms comprised of cutting-edge data exploration, visualization, and analytics capabilities. However, three macro trends are proving highly disruptive in the enterprise information management solution space: mobility, cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This is due primarily to the overwhelming impact of these trends on enterprise data architecture and business analytics, resulting in vast amounts of unstructured data left untapped.

Every day, new machines, sensors, and devices come online and feed information into data systems. Further, full-scale data generation from the IoT is now not only economically feasible, but is fast becoming a necessity for organizations that need to remain relevant and competitive. These “things” can be individually identified, tracked, and managed, thereby creating new capabilities and an increased data awareness. Consequently, enterprises need to get ahead of this avalanche of data by updating their information architecture.

We have developed a set of full lifecycle solutions built on our promise of vision, execution, and value to help you make the “people, process, and technology” transformation necessary to tackle the digital data ecosystem.


  • Data and analytics educational workshops
  • Quick start data rule book for strategy
  • Digital data transformation


  • Organization and governance transformation
  • Digital master data management
  • Strategic staffing and solution accelerators
  • Custom data and analytics projects


  • Proof of value
  • Data science solutions
  • Analytical dashboards and applications

Ready to Update Your Information Architecture?