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Product Information analysis

State of Product Information Analysis

Accurately analyze your product information to deliver up-to-date details and descriptions for your users.

What It Is

Your product information is a critical component of your customers’ buying journey as they navigate your organization’s commerce website to find the right product for them.

This jumpstart assessment will help you understand the state of your organization’s product information and its impact on your customer’s commerce journey. In addition, it will identify the information landscape and current state of data quality, provide recommendations on next steps, and more.

What's Included

This engagement lasts four weeks, as follows.

  • Weeks 1 – 2: Initial audit and technology landscape review
  • Weeks 3 – 4: Creation of a data scorecard and product enrichment workflow
  • Week 4: Present findings and review next steps for product data maintenance or process flow

What You Get

  • Audit analysis
  • Data scorecard
  • Options to move forward with assistance in correcting issues

    • Data cleansing
    • System or process improvements
    • Product content prioritization and necessary resources
  • Conversion lift and cross-sell
  • Better commerce experience for your end consumer

Get A Jumpstart on Your Customer Experience