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Organizational Change 

Managing the Human Side of Change to Achieve Your Goals 

We help clients prepare for change so they can protect market share, gain competitive advantage, and realize ROI by leveraging the dynamic tendencies of the market. We employ a structured change management approach for transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a more optimized future state. 

Our organizational change management professionals apply broad-based business experience and expertise to drive user engagement and adoption of major change programs. We help you manage the transition process to ensure your team is ready, willing, and able to perform effectively in the new environment.

Whether change is driven by a technology solution, the demands of digital commerce, or organizational imperatives, transformations are successful only when the human dimension is fully considered and supported. In fact, initiatives that have a focused change management effort are 6 times more likely to be successful and realize return on investment.

Your Digital Transformation Success Hinges on Holistic Change

Leaders today often face a dual challenge: leverage the power of digital and create new value for customers and employees, while at the same time, manage the profound disruptions likely to accompany these new opportunities. As your change partner, we address organizational change across the spectrum of technical processes, program, and project management, and individual, team and company-wide behaviors.

The goal is to modify behavior for specified target groups. Much like people tend to handle changes to their environment in similar ways, organizations also respond to change in predictable patterns. Given such predictability, a systemic approach to change can serve as a vital map to navigate most organizational transitions, both large and small.

A Strategic Approach to Change Management

Our change management methodology, founded on years of experience, consists of four unique and cumulative (and often iterative) phases of work.

  • Discovery
  • Communication
  • Enablement
  • Sustainment

While it is intended to fit together sequentially to manage transitions and build long-term change capability for your business, we may also look at each phase independently for the incremental value each step provides.

Whether you're exploring system implementations, merger integrations, productivity and efficiency plays, or new market or product pursuits, we believe management of the human elements of change is critical to your business transformation. Without it, research shows your change management program is destined to achieve suboptimal levels of adoption, and a lower return on investment.

The only constant in business today is change, which makes successful and seamless transition an imperative. Building strong change management capabilities can truly be a source of competitive differentiation for your business.

Typical Engagement Profiles

While we customize every program to our clients’ needs, our organizational change management engagements typically fit one of nine offering profiles. Each type of engagement can be delivered as a targeted solution for immediate results or incorporated into a broader transformation for organization-wide impact.  

Helping Industry Leaders Get on the Right Side of Digital Disruption

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