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Perficient’s Amazon Connect Experience

Enhance the Power of Amazon Connect With PACE

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use, cloud-based customer contact center that helps you create powerful customer engagement solutions. However, several commonly requested features are not included out-of-the-box. Additionally, Amazon Connect on its own is not a fully managed solution.

Perficient’s Amazon Connect Experience (PACE) solution amplifies the power of Amazon Connect with several added features and managed services. PACE delivers a next-generation cloud-based contact center powered by Amazon Connect that is ready for deployment and packed with features.  

Pace by Perficient logo

What Is PACE? 

  • Our next-generation contact center powered by Amazon Connect
  • Provides a suite of frequently requested features that are essential for customer engagement
  • Delivers an enhanced, cloud-based contact center that is ready for production deployment
  • Extensive possibilities for integration with AWS’s diverse ecosystem
  • Includes a systematic and seamless transition from your legacy environment to a modern cloud-based contact center

Transitioning to PACE

Ready to Take Your Contact Center to The Next Level?