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Cloud and DevOps

Discover What’s Possible with IBM Cloud and DevOps

Cloud lets you unlock the possibilities of innovation, lower-cost footprints, enhanced agility, and increased time to market for product delivery. Coupled with DevOps – a marriage of development and operations – you can optimize and innovate to meet rising customer demand.

Migrate with Ease

Cloud adoption doesn’t have to be confusing. Our migration services are built around four distinct phases – discover, plan, migrate, and optimize – each designed to keep you on track every step of the way and ensure your cloud migration experience is not only quick, but efficient without noticeable interruption to operations.

Innovate with Bluemix

Developing the next generation of products and services requires an integrated experience. IBM Bluemix helps you develop effectively with all the modern technologies including APIs, containers, microservices, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Modernize with DevOps

Adopting DevOps isn’t easy. It requires buy-in across the business, addressing skills gaps, and working to mature your people, processes, and technology. But in the long term, DevOps can transform your IT organization into an innovation hub that adds value to the business. When combined with technologies such as cloud and containers, and by clearing your bottlenecks, DevOps practices allow your IT organization to consistently provide value to your business.

We can drive your DevOps initiatives from implementing new technical architecture and tooling to full-scale agile delivery programs and DevOps transformation. Our range of offerings and expertise enables us to work with you regardless of what stage you are at on your DevOps journey.

Deliver with UrbanCode

Taking an application from development to QA to production to market can be complicated. While many organizations have adopted the DevOps philosophy of continuous collaboration, communication, and delivery, having the right tools makes all the difference. The IBM UrbanCode suite of solutions – Build, Release, and Deploy – can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline operations.

Discover What’s Possible Today