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Microsoft 365 Optimization

Maximize Your Microsoft 365 Investments

Many of the tools within the Microsoft 365 suite are crucial to day-to-day work – especially as you establish your new normal. In this engagement, we help you transform how you leverage your Microsoft 365 tools to optimize how you operate and make continued improvements.

What It Is

We partner with you to maximize your tools and establish your new normal.

  • Proactively implement identified return to work capabilities
  • Maximize your current investments in the Microsoft 365 platform
  • Evaluate business disruption response capabilities and future preparedness
  • Transform your operations to support current processes and create a disruption strategy for the future

What's Included

This engagement contains three phases to help you maximize your existing investments

Prepare and assess:

  • Facilitate a series of return-to-work discussions to identify, prioritize, and implement critical initiatives in the following areas: 
  • Security
  • Communications
  • Automation
  • Monitoring
  • Training
  • Develop a plan to manage anticipated changes
  • Prioritize additional opportunities to optimize return-to-work preparedness


  • Facilitate a series of capability and preparedness workshops and identify current and desired maturity in the following areas:
  • Response strategy, processes, and governance
  • Stakeholder assessment
  • Communication and training
  • Systems, data, network, security, and device management
  • Develop and prioritize opportunities to optimize return-to-work preparedness


  • Develop sprint plans to rapidly implement selected improvement initiatives, including:
  • Response strategy and team establishment/refinement
  • Security 
  • Data governance
  • Device management
  • Communication execution
  • Automation opportunities
  • Command center and corresponding measurements
  • Employee training (management, new roles, changing roles, etc.)
  • Innovation channel
  • Manage, communicate, and adjust improvement initiatives
  • Identify additional improvement areas for return-to-work preparedness

What You Get


  • Disruption response plan
  • Optimization initiative briefs
  • Updated return-to-work and preparedness improvement documentation

Prepare and assess:

  • Return-to-work and preparedness improvement documentation
  • Implementation plans and supporting artifacts
  • Change management plan


  • Product management artifacts
  • Updated preparedness improvement documentation

Ready to Begin Your Story?