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Ideacentral for employees

IdeaCentral for Employees

Foster a community of ideas from your workforce.

Tap into Employees’ Ideas

IdeaCentral for Employees uses the Salesforce Lightning Bolt framework to help your organization quickly deploy a pre-configured community template to accelerate the process of gathering, evaluating, and communicating new ideas. Tapping into employee creativity not only provides you with a wealth of ideas, but happy employees makes for productive employees – and of course, satisfied customers!

Our community accelerator combines idea management and social collaboration best practices, along with business logic and relevant data in Salesforce, for a modern experience to encourage employee engagement. As an added benefit, IdeaCentral for Employees leverages our IdeaZone app, a set of pre-packaged Lightning Components, or widgets, you simply plug in to render Salesforce Ideas in a community.

IdeaCentral's Core Capabilities 

  • Submit new ideas
    • View, comment and vote on ideas
      • Explore other relevant ideas
        • Build a list of ideas
          • Identify and reward ideas experts
            • Encourage workforce collaboration

Ready to Begin Your Story?