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The Digital Essentials

Digital adoption is an ever-present concern as technologies, processes, and customer expectations evolve. Thriving amid the digital fray requires both a keen sense of mission and the ability to decide which new and emerging trends hold promise – and which ones could push you off the path.

Perficient’s Digital Essentials represent building blocks that champions in every industry must consider as they shape their digital roadmaps.

Explore the Essentials

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The Digital Essentials, Part 1

A compelling digital strategy aligns customer experiences, business execution, and the right technology as the market and your competition constantly evolve. Our Digital Essentials highlight the most compelling aspects of all three to help you react and respond to this ongoing evolution.

The Digital Essentials, Part 2

A compelling digital strategy finds a balance between maintaining what you already offer while providing new, disruptive ideas that will get you to next level, hold off competition, and entice new customers. We present five digital essentials to help you rise to the challenge.

The Digital Essentials, Part 3

Developing a robust digital strategy is both a challenge and an opportunity. Success requires a keen sense of mission and the ability to determine which emerging trends hold promise for your organization – and which could push you off your path. We explore five of the essential technology-driven experiences customers expect, which you may be missing or not fully utilizing.

An Evolving Series

The Digital Essentials are borne out of our own extensive experience in customer experience and digital transformation, as well as discussions with subject matter experts. However, the Digital Essentials framework was made to be broken and future updates to the series will reflect the changing realities of the digital landscape.

We welcome your feedback as we work to continually shape this collection.

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